Pupil Premium
In the last financial year 22/23 we have received the total sum of £39405
This money has been spent to support our Pupil Premium Strategy that is published on the school website.
The focus to support Reading and writing along with opportunities to support wider curriculum opportunities.
The £39405 has been put towards the costs of
- Teaching Assistant Level 2 support
- Teaching Assistant Level 3 support
- Learning Mentor and Family Liason
- Purchase of a catchup Writing scheme – ‘Pathways to Write’
- Continuation of funding to support a child with their music lessons
- Continuation of funding to support a family with Afterschool/holiday club/school trip costs
- Funding towards CPD for all staff regarding Special Educational Needs and how best to support these children
Data is inclomplete due to staff absence but does suggest that our pupil premium children across the school are making progress
Reading 48% making better than expected progress this academic year.
Writing 16% making better than expected progress this academic year (not including y5).
Maths 16% making better than expected progress this academic year (not including y5).
Please be aware that 36% of these children also have SEND